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RAM 2500 – V2 Tray & Canopy

RAM 2500 with V2 Tray & Canopy

What a beast! This RAM 2500 is ready to take on anything with our new Phoenix V2 Tray & Canoy .Check out the extras that went into this build along with the photos below.

Core Offroad Phoenix V2 Tray & Canopy with the following accessories below:

• Trundle drawer 3mm aluminium lid
• U-dek option to rear trundle drawer
• Central locking to all latches
• Water Pump Kit
• ARB Twin Air Compressor
• Power Box PB-200 & Mounting Tray
• Redarc’s 1225D charging platform
• Single Rear Tyre Carrier
• Safety Dave Camera & AHD Rearview mirror kit
• Phoenix V2 Awning bracket

If you want to build your own custom adventure machine email our sale team on  or call them on 08 9527 818

RAM 2500 with V2 Tray & Canopy

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